Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of stone field barn to create a three-bedroom property with integrated one-bedroom accommodation for use as annexe or holiday accommodation at Barn off Broadway Lane, Nr Priestliffe, Taddington (NP/DDD/0223/0117,MN)
The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal.
Members were reminded that this was an application that was deferred at the December 2023 meeting in order for officers to resolve matters of conserving the interior heritage character, the extent of the curtilage, and matters of climate change mitigation, and to approve the application under delegation if this was achieved. Having been unable to come to agreement with the applicant on these matters, the application was returning to committee for determination by Members. Some amendments have been received since the report was drafted which were explained by the Officer in his presentation.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Miss Ellie Hensby, Applicant
It was noted that other proposals for alternative internal layouts had not been put forward to address the concerns raised in these regards. The Members felt that there is no sound rationale as to why the floor space could not be reversed. Members were also concerned about the exposure and isolation of the building and its’ relationship to the landscape. There were concerns regarding the extent and enclosure of curtilage, and of how parking would be accommodated.
A motion to refuse the application in line with Officer recommendation was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
1. The proposed conversion would harm the heritage significance of the barn by virtue of domestication of its character and setting, with no material planning considerations outweighing that harm, contrary to policies L3, DMC3, DMC5, and DMC10, and to the heritage provisions of the NPPF.
2. The proposed conversion would harm the special landscape character of the locality by virtue of domestication of the barn and its rural agricultural setting, with no material planning considerations outweighing that harm, contrary to policies L1, DMC3, and DMC10, and to the provisions of the NPPF insofar as they relate to landscape protection within National Parks. |
Supporting documents:
9 0223-0117_Barn off Broadway Lane Priestcliffe AM, item 58/24
PDF 376 KB
Item 9 - Barn off Broadway Lane, Nr Priestcliffe, item 58/24
PDF 416 KB