Agenda item
Householder Application - Proposed erection of a single garage and store at 15 Eyam Woodlands, Grindleford (NP/DDD/0224/0208, WE)
Members had a drive-by this site the previous day.
The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Jane Newman, Agent
Members welcomed the design of the green roof. It was also noted that rain-water would also be harvested. However they were concerned about the safety of the roof and would recommend having some form of safety fencing. Members asked what conditions would be imposed if they were minded to approve this and the Officer clarified these conditions.
13:45pm Cllr Hanley left the meeting.
A motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
- Commence development within 3 years
- Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans
- Materials to be natural stone walling to match house
- Recess garage door 150mm
- Maintain garage and outside parking spaces for designated use
- Landscaping including details of green roof
- Withdraw permitted development rights for fencing, walling or other means of enclosure on the development
- No flood or other external lighting except in accordance with scheme to be agreed in writing.
Supporting documents:
14 0224-0208_15 Eyam Woodlands Grindleford AM, item 63/24
PDF 336 KB
Item 14 - 15 Eyam Woodlands, Grindleford, item 63/24
PDF 441 KB