Agenda item

2023/24 Authority Progress Report Decile 2 (turn of year) with Performance and Business Plan 23/24 including Corporate Risk Registers.


The Senior Strategy & Performance Officer and Head of Resources were present for this report.


Members thanked Officers for the report which was more easily understandable and a great improvement on what went before.  Members also commented that it was good to see that everything was now on track, in particular those areas of concern from  last year that have been turned around  eg Planning and sickness records.


The recommendations, as set out in the report, were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.    That the digital Authority Progress Plan Report (decile 2), which can be viewed here is reviewed and any actions to address issues agreed.


2.    That the Performance and Business Plan is approved which includes the year end (23/24) and proposed (24/25) corporate risk registers and that completion of details is delegated to the Head of Resources, to allow for full publication by the statutory deadline of 30 June.


3.    That the status of Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations requests is noted.

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