Agenda item
Full Application - For the replacement of an existing agricultural building with a new dwelling at Hope Farm, Alstonefield (NP/SM/1123/1405, GG)
The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal.
Members were reminded that this application was deferred at the March 2024 meeting to allow for a discussion between the Applicant and Officers regarding design which could result in enhancement.
The Planning Officer made an amendment to the wording of the recommendation in the report in order for it to better reflect the wording of the policy.
Paragraph 11 on page 28, recommendation 2 was amended to the following wording:
2. In this instance, there are no exceptional circumstances as required by HC1 and would not provide significant enhancement as required by GSP2 nor any other material planning consideration that would justify a departure from the Authority’s adopted housing policies.
It was noted that a late committee statement had been received from the Agent on behalf of the Applicant which is a re-statement of the case and this is available to view on-line.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme.
· Mr Hambling - Applicant
Members understand and have some sympathy with what the Applicant is trying to achieve but there was concern over the character of the development. Local housing policy covers very significant enhancement to the valued characteristics of the local area which does not appear to be happening here. What is needed is an innovative design of high architectural standing that reflects the local vernacular and it is felt that the design here does not meet the standards required to be treated as an outstanding design.
Members enquired as to what attempts have been made to work with the Applicant and Agent to submit an acceptable design. The Planning Officer confirmed that contact had been made with the Agent however the amended plans still do not meet the required standard by a significant amount. Members requested that Officers further work with the Agent to find an acceptable design for this site.
The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:
1. The Applicant does not have an eligible local need for new housing within the National Park and the current application is therefore contrary to policy HC1(A) of the Core Strategy.
2. In this instance, there are no exceptional circumstances as required by HC1 and would not provide significant enhancement as required by GSP2 nor any other material planning consideration that would justify a departure from the Authority’s adopted housing policies.
Supporting documents:
- 1123-1405_ Hope Farm Committee Reportbjt, item 71/24 PDF 355 KB
- Item 7 - Hope Farm, Alstonefield, item 71/24 PDF 466 KB