Agenda item

Report of the Member Appointment Process Panel



Membership of the two Standing Committees had been prepared in accordance with the previous Authority decision that Committee sizes be fixed to 15 with half of the Authority Membership appointed to each Committee. According to the proportionality requirements in the Environment Act there should be 8 Local Authority Members on each committee and 7 Members appointed by the Secretary of State (this includes Parish Members).  However, for the previous 5 years the size of the Programmes and Resources Committee has been increased by 1 to 16 so that the Chair of the Authority can be appointed to both Committees. Ken Smith, as Chair of the Authority, had requested that this increase was continued.


The meeting then considered the report of the Member Appointments Process Panel and considered each of the appointments set out in the recommendations of the report.  In most cases the appointments were moved, seconded and approved in accordance with the expressions of interest in the report, any changes to the report are identified below.


Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee


As there was only one Member, Patrick Brady who had expressed an interest in the role of Chair of Planning Committee, the voting was carried out by a show of hands.


Patrick Brady withdrew his interest in the role of Vice Chair of Planning, so as there was only one Member, Virginia Priestley who had expressed an interest in the role of Vice Chair of Planning Committee, the voting was carried out by a show of hands.


Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair of Programmes and Resources Committee


As there was only one Member, Janet Dugdale who had expressed an interest in the role of Chair of Programmes and Resources Committee, the voting was carried out by a show of hands.


As there was only one Member, Charles Greaves who had expressed an interest in the role of Vice Chair of Programmes and Resources Committee, the voting was carried out by a show of hands.


Planning Committee


As 7 Secretary of State Members (including Parish Members) had expressed interests in the 7 places available on the Planning Committee, these were proposed and seconded and confirmed by a show of hands.


Jean Wharmby withdrew her interest in the Derbyshire County Council place on Planning Committee and asked that she be considered for the vacancy not taken up by the appointed Member of Cheshire East Council.  Dermot Murphy was then confirmed as the Derbyshire County Council Member on Planning Committee by a show of hands.


There were 4 candidates for the 3 places for the Metropolitan/NE Derbyshire District Council Members.  A ballot was then held to decide which of the 4 candidates, who had expressed an interest, and had been proposed and seconded, would fill the roles.  Following the ballot, Mike Chaplin, Lee Hartshorne and Ken Richardson were appointed.


A ballot was then taken to decide which of the two Members, who had expressed an interest and had been proposed and seconded (Ken Rustidge and Jean Wharmby) in filling the vacancy not taken up by Cheshire East Council.  Following the ballot, Jean Wharmby was appointed.  Therefore, the vacancies on Planning Committee for Local Authority Members were appointed as follows with the remaining places filled as set out in the report:


Cheshire East Council place: Jean Wharmby

Derbyshire CC: Dermot Murphy

Metropolitan District/NE Derbyshire: Lee Hartshorne, Mike Chaplin, Ken Richardson.


Programmes and Resources Committee


As 6 Secretary of State Members (this included Parish Members), had expressed interests for the 7 places on the Programmes & Resources Committee, together with the extra place for the Chair of the Authority, these were proposed and seconded and confirmed by a show of hands. It was agreed that there will be a holding vacancy for a Secretary of State Member, due to the recent resignation of a Member, pending the completion of the recruitment process by DEFRA.


There was 1 vacancy for a Local Authority Member and Ken Rustidge was appointed to this.. The appointment were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Local Joint Committee


Dermot Murphy and Jean Wharmby were appointed to the vacant Local Authority Members places. The appointments were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Appeals Panel


Janet Dugdale and  Andrew Gregory withdrew their interests. The following were appointed to the vacant Local Authority Member places: Andrew Hart, Dermot Murphy, Jean Wharmby and Charlotte Farrell. The appointments were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Investigatory & Disciplinary Committee


Andy Nash was appointed to the vacant Local Authority Member place and Andrew Gregory was appointed to the vacant Secretary of State place.  The appointments were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Audit, Budget and Project Risk Monitoring Group


The membership of this new group is based on appointments made earlier in the meeting, together with places for 3 other Members.  Andy Nash withdrew his interst in the Group  The appointments were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Janet Dugdale, Chair of Programmes & Resources

Charles Greaves – Vice Chair of Programmes & Resources

Simon Thompson

Ken Richardson

Yvonne Witter






Due Diligence Panel


James Berresford and Janet Dugdale were appointed at Member and Deputy respectively following a show of hands.


Governance Review Working Group


As there were already expressions of interest from 4 Local Authority Members for  the Governance Review Working Group, these were confirmed by a show of hands and it was agreed to carry the remaining vacancy.  Martin Beer withdrew his interest as a Secretary of State Member so James Berresford, Patrick Brady, Janet Dugdale and Ken Smith were proposed, seconded and confirmed by a show of hands.


Local Plan Review Member Steering Group


The membership of this group was based on appointments made earlier in the meeting, together with places for 6 other Members.  Therefore, the vacancies were appointed as follows:


Patrick Brady, Chair of Planning Committee

Virginia Priestley – Vice Chair of Planning Committee

Ken Smith – Authority Chair

Martin Beer

Matt Buckler

Charlotte Farrell

Bill Hanley

Andy Nash


It was agreed that there would be holding vacancy for this group. The appointments were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Member Appointments Process Panel


Ken Rustidge was appointed to the Local Authority Member vacancy and Andrew Gregory was appointed to the Secretary of State vacancy.  The appointments were proposed, seconded and appointed by a show of hands.


Appointments to Outside Bodies – all agreed by a show of hands.  Where there was a deputy or reserve, the Members appointed were asked to let Democratic Support know by 12th July which Member was to be the deputy or reserve.


Campaign for National Parks - Matt Buckler, Janet Dugdale and Rachel Bennett.


East Midlands Council – James Berresford as Member with a vacancy for deputy.


Europarc – Rachel Bennett


Derbyshire Archaeological Advisory Committee – Ken Smith


South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority – Mike Chaplin as Member and Ken Richardson as Deputy


Peak District National Park Foundation – Martin Beer, James Berresford, Andrew Gregory, Virginia Priestley and Ruth Swetnam


Derwent Valley Community Rail Partnership – no Member appointed.


High Peak & HopeValley Community Rail Partnership – Martin Beer as Member and Bill Hanley as Deputy


Moors for the Future Partnership Group – Virginia Priestley as Member and Ruth Swetnam & Andrew Gregory as Deputies.


Peak District Partnership – Patrick Brady


Staffordshire Destination Management Partnership – Andrew Hart as Member with a vacancy for Deputy


Derbyshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy Board & Staffordshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy Steering Group – Virginia Priestley


Land Managers Forum – Ken Rustidge, Rachel Bennett, Bill Hanley and Charlotte Farrell


Peak District Local Access Forum – Martin Beer as Member and Andy Nash as Deputy


Peak District Local Nature Partnership – Matt Buckler and Ruth Swetnam


Stanage Forum Steering Group – Charlotte Farrell




1.         To confirm the Authority’s previous decision to set the size of the two Standing Committees to 15, with 8 Local Authority Members and 7 Secretary of State Members and allocate Local Authority places on Planning Committee as set out in Section B (i) of Appendix 1 of the report with an additional place on the Programmes and Resources Committee to accommodate the Chair of the Authority.


2.         To appoint Patrick Brady as Chair and Virginia Priestley as Vice Chair of the Planning Committee and Janet Dugdale as Chair and Charles Greaves as Vice Chair of Programmes and Resources Committee until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025


3.         To appoint the following Members to the Planning Committee and the Programmes and Resources Committee until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.


Planning Committee                                     Programmes & Resources Committee

Chair – Patrick Brady                                   Chair – Janet Dugdale

Vice Chair – Virginia Priestley                    Vice Chair – Charles Greaves

Jean Wharmby                                              Gill Heath

Dermot Murphy                                             Becki Woods

Matt Buckler                                                  Ken Rustidge

Ian Huddlestone                                            Andy Nash

Andrew Hart                                                  James Berresford

Lee Hartshorne                                             Linda Grooby

Ken Richardson                                            Andrew Gregory

Mike Chaplin                                                 Ruth Swetnam

Kath Potter                                                    Simon Thompson    

Bill Hanley                                                     Yvonne Witter

Martin Beer                                                    Charlotte Farrell

Rachel Bennett                                             Ken Smith

Ken Smith                                                      Chris O’Leary



4a.       To appoint the following Members until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025 to the Local Joint Committee.


Mike Chaplin                                                 Martin Beer

Ian Huddlestone                                            Kath Potter

Ken Richardson                                            Virginia Priestley

Dermot Murphy                                             Ken Smith

Jean Wharmby


b)  To appoint the following Members to the Appeals Panel until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.


Mike Chaplin                                                 Martin Beer

Andrew Hart                                                  James Berresford

Dermot Murphy                                             Patrick Brady

Jean Wharmby                                              Ruth Swetnam

Charlotte Farrell                                           



c) To appoint the following Members to the Investigatory and Disciplinary Committee until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.


Ken Richardson                                            Virginia Priestley

Becki Woods                                                 Yvonne Witter

Andy Nash                                                     Andrew Gregory


d) To appoint the following Members to the Audit, Budget and Project Risk Monitoring Group until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.


Chair and Vice Chair of Programmes & Resources Committee Janet Dugdale and Charles Greaves and 3 other Members.

Simon Thompson

Ken Richardson                                           

Yvonne Witter


e) To appoint the following Members to the Due Diligence Panel until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025


James Berresford – Member                       Janet Dugdale – Deputy



f)  To appoint the following Members to the Governance Review Working Group until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.


Charles Greaves                                           James Berresford

Ken Richardson                                            Patrick Brady

Becki Woods                                                 Janet Dugdale

Vacancy                                                         Ken Smith


g) To appoint the following Members to the Local Plan Review Member Steering Group until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.

Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee Patrick Brady and Virginia Priestley, Chair of the Authority Ken Smith and 6 other Members.

Matt Buckler                                                  Bill Hanley

Martin Beer                                                    Charlotte Farrell

Andy Nash                                                    Vacancy


h)  To appoint the following Members to the Member Appointments Process Panel


Ken Richardson                                            Ruth Swetnam

Becki Woods                                                 Yvonne Witter

Ken Rustidge – Reserve                              Andrew Gregory - Reserve


5.  To appoint Members to the 18 Outside Bodies set out in Section D of Appendix 1 of the report until the annual Authority Meeting in July 2025.


6.  To confirm that all these appointments are approved duties for the payment of travel and subsistence allowances as set out in Schedule 2 of the Members’ Allowances Scheme.














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