Agenda item

Full Application - For the erection of agricultural building and retention of access track at the Firs Wood meadow, Fenny Bentley (NP/DDD/1222/1611/GG)


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal as detailed in the report.


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


It was noted that a track has been laid without planning permission.  The application is for an agricultural building for growing micro-greens in an enclosed building under artificial light.  Very limited information about the nature of the agricultural business that is being proposed and there seems to be very little connection with the land and no requirement for this development to take place in the countryside where there would be unjustified visual intrusion on the landscape.  There is also a technical archaeological reason for refusal as there is known archaeological interest on this site which has yet to be investigated.


The Officer recommendation to refuse the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.         The application does not demonstrate that the proposed development is functionally required for agricultural purposes requiring a rural location contrary to Core Strategy policy DS1 and Development Management Policy DME1. In the absence of an agricultural justification the proposed development would be an unwarranted intrusion into the open countryside and would harm the character and appearance of the area contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP3 and L1 and Development Management policy DMC3.


2.         Insufficient information has been submitted with the application to demonstrate that the development would not harm archaeology on the site contrary to Core Strategy policy L3, Development Management policy DMC5 and the National Planning Policy Framework.





Supporting documents: