Agenda item

Minerals - Monitoring Report (TE)


The Strategic Planning & Minerals Manager presented the report which updated Members on the latest mineral policy performance as an addendum to the wider Monitoring Report and provided an overview of the work completed by the Strategic Planning and Minerals team over the 2016/17-2022/23 time period.


It was noted that Policy MIN1 was working effectively and no new permissions for aggregate extraction had been granted during the monitoring report period.


No new permissions had been granted under Policy MIN2 during the monitoring report period.


It was noted that Policy MIN3 needs further consideration given its varying success and changes to National building stone policy.  The aim of this policy is to ensure a continuity of supply of traditional building materials to service the needs of the National Park, whilst limiting the scale and nature of mineral extraction within the protected landscape.  Consideration needs to be given to the most appropriate means of  providing building materials which comply with the local vernacular.


Policy MIN4 has been formulated with the objective of preventing the sterilisation of mineral by build development.  It was noted that this is an effective policy and working well. 


Any quarry operating now has undergone a review and has modern conditions applied to it and has a new end date imposed either by the Peak District National Park or by statute (in which the end date is 2042).  There are a couple of dormant consents in the park at the moment so in order for these to operate the owners would have to submit a application to agree conditions and undergo a full environmental impact assessment.


Milldam Mine was discussed and it was noted that an access track has now been put in and one of the sink holes on Hucklow Edge has been infilled.  Concern that some of the heritage asset relating to the former Silence lead mine mine may be lost. 


There is restoration and aftercare ongoing at 8 sites. 


The statement of progress was commended by the Members and hopefully further updates in the future will be received at regular intervals.




To note the report.




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