Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion to a single dwelling at Safari Quip, The Stones, Castleton (NP/HPK/0324/0297, WE)


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.


This building is a former shop which has been closed 6 years and the owner wishes to convert it to a two-bedroom market dwelling.  There is a small area land to either side.  The building is a mid-19th century non-designated heritage asset that makes an important contribution to the conservation area. There were no concerns about the lack of on-site parking due to the availability of on-street parking in the Market Square. The Planning Officer requested changes to conditions 3 and 4 to secure a screen wall to the external terrace and obscure glazing to the whole of the rear windows.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Julian McIntosh, Applicant – statement read out by Democratic Support


There was a discussion regarding the screen wall and the proposal from the applicant about the replacement of this wall with a high slatted fence. The positioning of dustbins was discussed and the inclusion of a condition to  maintain the siting of the bins was requested by the Members. 


It was noted that paragraph 76 in the report should have read that Derbyshire County Council, as the Highway Authority, have been consulted on this application and raised no objections.


There was a question about a condition for external lighting and if one should be included.  The scope for climate change mitigation was discussed and paragraph 77 of the report addresses this.  There is limited other opportunity to include climate change mitigation measures without potential harm to the setting.


A motion to approve the application with additional conditions covering the following areas was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.


1.    A condition to agree the boundary wall treatment.

2.    A condition to secure full obscure glazing to the rear windows.

3.    A condition regarding the storage area for the bins

4.    A condition regarding the outside lighting

5.    A condition to secure the delivery of the agreed CC1 scheme




That the application be APPROVED subject to the inclusion of the above conditions and the following conditions:



Statutory 3-year time period for commencement of development



In accordance with specified amended plans.



Prior to the dwelling being brought into use a screen boundary wall shall be constructed on the southern boundary of the terrace in full accordance with details which shall first have been  submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. Thereafter, the boundary wall shall be maintained without alteration throughout the lifetime of the development.



Notwithstanding what is shown on the amended plans and before the dwelling is brought into use  the whole of the windows in the rear elevation shall be obscured glazing  and shall be maintained free from alteration for the lifetime of the development.



Prior to the infilling of the gable end window and the partial infilling of the opening on the principal elevation, a sample of limestone and mortar shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. Thereafter, the proposed development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.



Prior to the alterations to the door openings onto The Stones, a plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Authority showing the masonry infill being butt jointed to the existing stonework i.e. not be toothed into the existing masonry and retaining in-situ the former door jambs below the window opening.



Prior to their installation, the specification of the roof lights (which shall be true ‘heritage conservation’ models) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.



Prior to its installation, the specification of the door on the front elevation of the property shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.



The new door on the rear elevation shall be vertically boarded timber.



The windows shall be finished in off-white unless an alternative colour is first agreed in writing by the National Park Authority.



The windows and doors shall be recessed no less than 100mm from the external face of the wall.



Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015, (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order) no alterations, extensions, outbuildings or boundary treatments whatsoever (other than those approved by this permission) shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority’s prior written consent.



The domestic waste bins shall only be stored in their designated location as shown on plan drawing ‘101B’.



The development shall be completed in full accordance with the submitted Sustainability Statement with written verification of compliance provided to the Authority within one month of the occupation of the dwelling.



There shall be no outside lighting installed on site other than in complete accordance with a lighting scheme which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.



Supporting documents: