Agenda item

Section 73 Application - For the variation of Conditions 2, 15, 19, 20, 22, 42, 81, 91, 102 and 113 attached to NP/HPK/0814/0882, for the purpose of securing a revised working and restoration scheme at Topley Pike Quarry and Deep Dale and an increase in the permitted despatch of stone (NP/HPK/1220/1138, RB)


Cllr Buckler and Ms Bennett declared a personal interest and were not present for this item.


The Minerals Planning Officer presented the report and gave a synopsis of the issues on site and the amendments to the conditions that are required. The application seeks to do 2 things:


·         Facilitate the complete restoration of Deepdale 

·         Allow an increase in the annual export limit


The proposal is for the removal of historic quarry waste from Deepdale and its relocation to the quarry void as part of the final site restoration process. A containment cell to be constructed from granular quarry waste material will be created to facilitate  the storage of silt which shall be allowed to dry before being capped with additional granular material. When the mineral extraction operation is finished the water pumps will be switched off and the quarry will naturally flood.  Due to the installation of the containment cell the fine materials and potential contaminates will be prevented from  overflowing into the River Wye.  The amendments to the conditions would allow for the complete restoration of Deepdale which is a designated SSSI  and the footpath which runs through the middle of the dale shall be restored to its definitive route.  This is a significant gain for the National Park. 


It was noted that the increase in the export limit does not increase the volume of mineral  removed but just increases the speed at which it can be extracted, the end date for extraction would remain as the original end date of 31 December 2025. The quarry has  good access to the road network, any increase in traffic was not seen as a problem.


Members thanked the Officer for the report and questioned whether there would be barriers/fencing put in place around the steep cliff edge.  It was clarified that there is no public access to the site.  There would be an independent on-site geo-technical expert overseeing the restoration and maintaining a watching brief during the dismantling of the tip.


A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded put to the vote and carried.




That the application is APPROVED subject to a Section 106 legal agreement and delegated authority for officers to agree final wording of conditions based on the proposals as set out in the report.


Cllr Buckler and Ms Bennett returned to the meeting.



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