Agenda item

Full application - Change of use from ancillary accommodation for disabled relative to holiday accommodation at Watergrove, Unnamed section of A623 from Housley Road to Long Lane, Foolow (NP/DD/0524/0549, HF)


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report. It was noted that a further letter of support had been received since the publication of the report.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr & Mrs Everatt – Applicants – Statement read out by Democratic Services


Members were minded to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation.  This accommodation would provide much needed disabled compliant accommodation within the Peak District National Park.  It was noted that the building is well hidden and already part of the landscape and no alterations are necessary for this to become holiday accommodation. The Officer outlined the conditions which would be imposed should the application be approved. The sole reason for refusal is that the application for this building does not comply with policy.  There was some discussion regarding the policy.


A motion to approve the application contrary to Officer recommendation and subject to the following conditions was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


  1. Development to begin within 3 years from the date of this permission.


  1. Carry out in complete accordance with plans: Location & Block Plan 2036_01a; Proposed Floor Plan 2036_06_A; Elevations 2036_07_D.


  1. The accommodation to be ancillary to the residential use of Watergrove, and shall not be occupied other than as a short-term holiday let, or by members of the family or employees of the occupier of that dwelling, and together with the main house shall be maintained as a single planning unit.


  1. In respect of the short-term holiday let use ancillary to Watergrove, the building shall not be occupied for such a purpose by any one person for a period exceeding 28 days in any calendar year. The owner shall maintain a register of occupants for each calendar year which shall be made available for inspection by the National Park Authority on request.





Supporting documents: