Agenda item
Urgent Business: Local Development Scheme Update
This item was dealt with at the end of the Items for decision.
The Policy & Communities Team Manager was present for this item and informed Members that the Authority was legally obliged to write and publish the Local Development Scheme (LDS), which is a document that sets out the plans that make up the Local Plan and the timetable for their review. The current LDS was approved in November 2024, but in light of the changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Deputy Prime Minister has instructed all local Planning Authorities to update their LDS before 6th March 2025. The Officer reported that the LDS had been reviewed with only minor changes.
Members confirmed that this had been looked at through the local plan group, but there was some concern on how much work was to be done within the timetable set out and what that would mean to us as an Authority and the local plan. The Officer reported that the Authority would have to take into account anything that would impact on the local plan.
The recommendation as set out in the report, was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the revised LDS (dated February 2025) in Appendix 1 of the report is approved.
Supporting documents:
Item 3 Authority Meeting (7 Feb 2925) - Local Development Scheme, item 20/25
PDF 519 KB
Item 3 Appendix 1 - PDNPA LDS (February 2025), item 20/25