Agenda item
Landscape AI - Presentation
The Strategy and Performance Manager gave a presentation on the subject of Landscape AI and the project undertaken by the Senior Data and Research Analyst. The justification for the project and the methodology were presented to the team along with the next steps.
The Team were thanked for the presentation and the fascinating work in this area. It was noted that the main barrier to further development is funding and that with further funding it would be possible to develop this for other protected landscapes. Members enquired as to the intellectual property rights of the work and whether there were any income generating opportunities available. The Authority Solicitor confirmed that she would review this and confirm the Authority’s position. It was noted that in the future it may be possible to add in parameters linking to climate change and the team are working closely with universities who have access to more funding. The Chair mentioned that the Sheffield Centre Archaeological Society, along with the University of Sheffield and the Yorkshire Archaeological Society are planning an Aerial Photography Conference next year and if there was an opportunity here to showcase the project.