Agenda item

Full Application - Proposed Creation of an Agricultural Barn for Bee Keeping Requirements at Swallows Nest Barn, The Edge, Eyam (NP/DDD/0724/0738/CB)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal as detailed in the report.


The Officer reported that since the report was drafted, correspondence from the agent had been received clarifying the status of both the existing shed and the proposed use of the building, and it was also confirmed on the site visit how the building would be used, so it was clear that the vast majority of the building would be for agricultural purposes. Officers were therefore satisfied that there was a need for an agricultural building and any business use would be ancillary to the main agricultural use.


The Officer reported that following the clarification of the use of the building from the applicant, recommendation 1 of the report should now be amended


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         James Darwent – Agent


Although Members supported the business, it was asked whether the building could be moved further to allow for better screening?  It was also noted that it was a sensitive site and that more work needed to be done on screening, location and materials.


A motion to defer the application was moved and seconded.


A recommendation to defer the application and grant delegated authority to the Head of Planning to approve the application subject to further discussions with the applicant to agree amendments to screening, location and materials was proposed, and seconded, put to the vote and carried.





That the application be DEFERRED and delegated authority granted to the Head of Planning to approve the application subject to further discussions with the applicant to agree amendments to  screening, location and materials



Supporting documents: