Agenda item

Stanage-North Lees Progress Report (PM_6193/JRN)


The Property Manager (North Lees) introduced the report and thanked all the officers who had worked on the issues.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr N Porter, Stanage Forum, spoke regarding conservation issues

·         Mr H Folkard, Stanage Forum Steering Group


The Chair thanked the Stanage Forum for their hard work done regarding the Estate.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved.


In response to Members’ queries the officer stated that any developments would be  in keeping with the current nature and character of the campsite and that they were also working with the Sheffield Moors Partnership regarding Estate landscape issues.


The motion was then seconded, voted on and carried.  The Chair thanked the Property Manager and her team for all their hard work.




1.    Members endorse the approach adopted in the draft management plan and the proposals for further consultation and completion of the plan.

2.    Members acknowledge the progress made toward achieving Full Cost Recovery and with regard to increasing the delivery of our statutory purposes at Stanage-North Lees, including the campsite.


Supporting documents: