Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use from C2 to C3 following demolition of central communal block of single storey former care facility and adaptation/conversion to create 7 bungalows. at Gernon Manor House, Dagnall House, Bakewell (NP/DDD/0724/0755, MN)
Some Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report.
One late representation had been received however it had no impact on the recommendations in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Hugh Wright – Objector
· Adam Place – Agent
Members raised concern that this development had commenced without any planning permission nor had pre-application advice been sought for this application.
The Planning Officer clarified why Core Strategy Policies HC1 and HC4 were applied to this application.
There was a question regarding why the site would be exempt from Biodiversity Net Gain control and this is because less than 25m² of habitat or 5m of linear habitat would be affected.
A motion to refuse the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:- |
1. |
The proposed market housing would not deliver affordable housing to meet eligible local need, meet the essential need of rural workers or be required to achieve conservation or enhancement. Therefore there is no justification for the proposed market housing contrary to Core Strategy policy HC1.
2. |
The proposal would result in the loss of the existing community facility. The development would not meet another community need or deliver affordable housing to meet eligible local need. No evidence of attempts to secure such a use have been provided. The loss of the existing community facility is therefore contrary to Core Strategy policy HC4.
3. |
Insufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that the development would not harm protected species or their habitat contrary to Core Strategy policy L2, Development Management policies DMC11 and DMC12 and the Authority’s obligations under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended).
4. |
The site is located within Flood Zone 2. No Flood Risk Assessment has been submitted with the application and therefore there is insufficient evidence to conclude that the development would be appropriately flood resistant and resilient, incorporates sustainable drainage systems, manages any residual risk and includes safe access and escape routes contrary to Core Strategy policy CC5 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
5. |
Insufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate how the development would make the most sustainable use of land and resources, reduce energy and water consumption and mitigate the impacts of climate change contrary to Core Strategy policy CC1. |
Supporting documents:
- 0724-0755_Gernon Manor Bakewell AM, item 124/24 PDF 374 KB
- Item 6 - Gernon Manor, item 124/24 PDF 599 KB