Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of barns to 5 residential dwellings, demolition of modern buildings, creation of access and associated parking, external alterations to the buildings, works of hard and soft landscaping and associated works at Ughill Hall Farm, West Lane, Bradfield (NP/S/0324/0300, WE)
Some Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Caroline McIntyre – Agent
It was noted that negotiations to improve the design had taken place with the applicant and the agent which have resulted in significant improvement in the design.
There was a question regarding the ecology and diversity points in paragraphs 102, 103 and 104 and if condition 17 picks up the mitigation measures and it was confirmed that condition 17 does cover these points. The ecology report has been assessed by the PDNPA Ecologist and paragraph 31 of the report reflects this. It was confirmed that the Barn Nesting Space has been designed to accommodate both Barn Owls and Swallows and the mitigation required to precisely meet those requirements.
It was noted that there had been many objections received to this application and Members queried whether five dwellings would constitute too much development of the hamlet setting with the additional traffic and parking required for five units. With the creation of five units the resultant impact on climate change was discussed and it was suggested that larger units would be more suitable for families, smaller units would be more likely to become second homes or holiday accommodation. It was acknowledged that the proposed five open market smaller units would be more affordable than three larger units.
Cllr Buckler left the meeting at 11.00am.
There did not appear to be any reference to rainwater goods in the proposed conditions. It was noted that Ughill is 1.6km south west of Lower Bradfield and not 16 km as stated in paragraph 7 of the report. The track surface leading to the farm yard would be a rural farm track with gated access set back from the road.
A motion to restrict the number of units to be developed to three dwellings was moved but not seconded.
A motion to approve the application with an additional condition to cover rainwater goods, was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. |
Commence development in 3-years
2. |
Development to be in accordance with listed amended plans
3. |
Submission and compliance with a Written Scheme of Investigation for archaeology
4. |
Submission and compliance with a Written Scheme for Investigation for historic building recording
5. |
The conversion shall be carried out within the shell of the existing buildings, with any rebuilding limited to that specifically shown on the approved plans.
6. |
Prior to installation, agree precise details of windows and doors which shall better reflect the varied fenestration currently on site
7. |
Prior to installation, agree details of internal floor, wall and roof insulation
8. |
Prior to installation, agree a sample of grey stone rooftiles
9. |
Prior to installation, agree sample of cobble stone for farm courtyard
10. |
Prior to installation, agree gate details
11. |
Prior to first occupation, the soft landscaping, including garden hedgerow boundaries, tree planting and wildflower meadow, shall have been carried out and managed in accordance with a detailed scheme first agreed by the Authority
12. |
Prior to first occupation, the amendments to the site access, re-surfacing of the courtyard and the provision of parking and turning shall be carried out in accordance with the approved landscape plan
13. |
Prior to first occupation, the barn swallow compensatory and bird nesting scheme shall be carried out in accordance with a detailed scheme which shall be first agreed in writing
14. |
Prior to first occupation, the EV charging points shall be installed and operational
15. |
Prior to first occupation, the scheme for the control of surface water discharging onto West Lane shall be carried out in accordance with an agreed scheme
16. |
The air source heat pump shall be installed before the first occupation of the development hereby permitted in accordance with details which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
17. |
In strict compliance with precaution and mitigation measures outlined in Protected Species Survey report prepared by Dunelm Ecology dated October 2023.
18. |
There shall be no external lighting installed on site other than in accordance with an agreed scheme
19. |
The package treatment plant shall be installed and operational before the first occupation of the development hereby permitted.
20. |
All new services to the site (including but not limited to power, water, and telecommunication) shall be undergrounded across all land in the owner’s control.
21. |
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015, (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order) no alterations, extensions, outbuildings or boundary treatments whatsoever (other than those approved by this permission) shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority’s prior written consent.
22. |
Installation of rainwater goods to be in full accordance with details which shall first have been submitted to and approved in wring by the National Park Authority.
Supporting documents:
- 0324-0300_Ughill Hall Farm AM, item 125/24 PDF 432 KB
- Item 7 - Ughill Hall Farm, item 125/24 PDF 489 KB