Agenda item
Full Planning Application - Installation of Horse Menage Comprising of Sand and Fibre Floor, Post and Rail Boundary Fence, Landscape Works and Associated Drainage at Watergates, Pindale Road, Hope (NP/HPK/1124/1184)
Some Members had visited the site the previous day.
The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal as set out in the report. It was noted that no appropriate tree assessment addressing the impact on trees has been submitted and no suitable desk-based assessment has been made to consider the potential archaeological interest of the site.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Jane Bramwell – Applicant – Statement read out by Democratic Support.
The position of an oil pipeline across the land holding was discussed and noted this would need to be part of any future discussions as this would constrain the positioning of the ménage. The pipeline location had been surveyed before the site visit and was marked on the site with cones and noted to be south of the proposed site. The Members understood the needs of the Applicant and that an alternative location along with further information would be required from the Applicant to overcome the objections. It was mentioned that once a ménage is in situ it could attract further use and an increase in traffic.
A motion to refuse the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:-
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The proposed development would relate poorly to the existing built form and would represent a prominent and harmful encroachment of development into the surrounding landscape character, contrary to Core Strategy Policies GSP1, GSP3 and L1 and Development Management Policies DMC3, DMC4 and DMR4.
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The application provides insufficient information to enable an understanding of the impact of the potential archaeological interest of the site and setting of the Hope Motte Scheduled Monument, contrary to Core Strategy Policy L3 and Development Management Policies DMC5 and DMC6.
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The application provides insufficient information to enable an understanding of the impact of the development on trees, contrary to Development Management Policy DMC13.
Supporting documents:
1124-1184_Watergates Pindale Road riding arena AM, item 6/25
PDF 356 KB
Item 7 - Watergates, item 6/25
PDF 640 KB