Agenda item

Full Planning Application - Demolition of the existing structures to ground level, erection of a replacement dwelling with garage and associated landscaping, package treatment plant and other works incidental to the proposals, Bibury, Riddings Lane, Curbar (NP/DDD/1024/1053 CB)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report. It was mentioned that no comments have been received from Curbar Parish Council regarding this application.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Caroline McIntyre – Agent


It was noted that the Applicants have worked with officers in submitting this new application and the proposal is located on the site of the existing bungalow footprint and would be in the region of one metre taller than the neighbouring property to the north and it would be mainly the roof which would be seen from the road. 


Members questioned Policy HC1 and whether anything has been submitted to demonstrate that it is not financially viable for Affordable Housing to be on this site. It was clarified that the policy that has been used here deals with replacement houses and so there was no policy requirement for the house to be affordable to local needs.


There was a discussion about the landscape impact of the new development and the wider site area.  It was suggested that Condition 10 should be amended to be extended to include the wider site.  Condition 4 would also pick up a landscaping scheme for the treatment and management of the whole site.  The Members felt that this design provides significant enhancement and an improvement to what was previously on site.  Wetland enhancement to support the local population of water-voles and flood storage was also discussed.  The patio and terrace area was considered and officers agreed with Members that the walling and landscaping was amended to reduce the impact of the terraced area  and a condition be included to cover this.  Condition 5 was mentioned regarding external lighting and Members asked about the guidance that is published regarding lighting. 


A motion to approve the application with amendments to condition 4 and condition 10, was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:




Statutory limit for commencement.



In accordance with specified amended plans.



Submission and approval of materials, design details for dwelling and approval of specification for solar panels and air source heat pump.





Submission and approval of landscaping scheme for the whole site including both red and blue line areas, including tree-planting, walling and hard surfacing, the removal of the riverside fence and a management plan for the land outside the residential curtilage. Implementation of landscaping and parking and turning areas.



Submission and approval of external lighting scheme.



Foul sewerage to package treatment plant to be installed in accordance with details to be submitted and approved.



Submission and approval of biodiversity enhancement measures (non-statutory) for the whole site.



Submission and approval of Construction Management Plan.



Solar photovoltaic panels, air source heat pump and mechanical ventilation system to be installed and operational before the first occupation of the dwelling.



Withdraw permitted development rights for alterations, extensions and ancillary buildings, boundary walls and fences across the whole site including the blue line land down to the riverside path.



Retain garages for garaging and storage




Supporting documents: