Agenda item

Monitoring & Enforcement Quarterly Review - January 2025 (A.1533/AJC)


The Principal Enforcement Planner presented the quarterly report which covers  the 3 month period up to end of December 2024.  The report includes a list of outstanding enforcement notices.  Much of the enforcement resources have concentrated on the backlog of outstanding enforcement cases and also outstanding enforcement enquiries.  It was noted that annual target for closing cases had already been exceeded this year.  The monitoring and enforcement posts have been fully staffed up until recently when one post became vacant which is now going through the recruitment process. 


The report includes a list of outstanding Enforcement Notices, should Members wish to know about individual cases in more depth then they were advised to email their request to Adam Maxwell who will be able to provide more information outside of the committee setting.  Updates on these outstanding enforcement notices would be included in future quarterly reports although due to the inclusion of sensitive information it may be necessary for these to be considered as a separate Part B report.


The Principal Enforcement Planner showed photographs of the three sites where formal notices had been issued in the relevant quarter together with “before and after” photographs of several sites where cases had been resolved.


The Members complemented the team on their hard work over the past year. In answer to a Member question, it was stated that the Local Enforcement Plan is the starting point for setting the priorities for dealing with cases. 


A motion to note the report was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




To note the report.

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