Agenda item
Internal Audit Report Block 1 2024/25
The Finance Manager and Stuart Cutts, Internal Auditor from Veritau, were present to respond to Members questions.
The Finance Manager informed Members that the reports had been discussed in details at the Audit, Budget and Project Risk Group and that action notes from those meetings were available.
Members queried whether the rent review dates had been amended and that rent reviews were being carried out on a regular basis? The Finance Manager reported that the Authority had to give the tenant a year’s notice if the intention was to put up their rent, and the new Head of Assets ensured that this was one of the first things that was done, so everyone now that is coming up for a rent review was now in the system.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
That the Internal Audit reports for the three areas covered under Block 1 for 2024/25. Budget setting, monitoring & reporting, Rent reviews, leases & concessions and Moors for the future (in appendices 1-3 of the report respectively) be received and the proposed actions agreed.
Supporting documents:
Authority Internal Audit report block 1 final, item 16/25
PDF 319 KB
Appendix 1 PDNPA-Budget setting, Monitoring and reporting final, item 16/25
PDF 216 KB
Appendix 2 PDNPA-Rent Reviews, Leases and Concessions - Final Report, item 16/25
PDF 224 KB
Appendix 3 PDNPA-Moors for the Future Final Report, item 16/25
PDF 232 KB