Agenda item
Report from the Chair of Programmes & Resources Committee - Verbal Update
The Chair of Programme & Resources Committee gave a verbal update on the work of the committee from the last meeting where the following topic was discussed:
· There had been 2 Programme & Resources Committees since the last Authority meeting.
6th December –approval was provided to the Moors for the Future project to accept funding of up to £800,000 from Rebel Restoration to enter into an agreement to establish a sphagnum demonstration field research lab at Featherbed North, which is close to the Snake Pass so easily accessible. This is also presented in the Due Diligence Annual Report.
24th January – amendments were approved to the Safeguarding and Occupational Health & Safety Policies. There was also a substantive item on the fourth Management Plan Aims – Thriving and Sustainable Communities, which included discussion on proposed changes to the measurement of standard housing needs, sustainable transport, the local plan review, engagement with parishes.
There were no questions from Members.