Agenda item
Report from the Chair of Planning Committee - Verbal Update
The Chair of Planning Committee gave a verbal update on the work of the Committee.
· The December Planning Committee was cancelled due to lack of business. This may be due to a slowing down of applications coming in.
· The January Committee had 5 planning items, as well as a report showing a list of enforcement notices that had not been fully complied with, or were being kept a very close eye on because nobody knows quite whether the person in question was going to conform. Some are long standing and haven’t been resolved, but it is good that this information is out in the open air and we can see what is going on.
There is another consultation from the Government on the future of Planning Committees and how they operate, which could have serious implications particularly for National Park Authorities because it is proposed that all planning authorities will have a common scheme of delegation as to what it or is not approved by a planning committee.
The Chair of Planning asked that the link to the Protected Landscapes consultation be circulated to all Members and urged them to complete it.
The Authority Solicitor & Monitoring Officer to circulate the link and to the Standards Consultation as well.
There were no questions from Members