Agenda item

Full Application - For the change of use of part of an existing building to provide two residential dwellings and external works at Friden House, Friden, Newhaven (NP/DDD/1224/1398/GG)


Some Members had driven past the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Caroline McIntyre – Agent


Members noted that given the proximity of the industrial site Condition 9 relating to the restriction of occupation of the dwelling to persons solely or mainly employed on the site was appropriate.


A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




That subject to no adverse responses from statutory consultees or representations received on or before the end of the statutory consultation period 17 February 2025, that the application be APPROVED and delegated power granted to the Head of Planning, Development and Enforcement Manager and Area Team Manager, subject to the following conditions:-



1.    Statutory time limit for implementation.


2.    In accordance with specified approved plans.


3.    Approval of details of materials for external works.


4.    Approval of details of any external meter box housings and their proposed locations.


5.    Approval and implementation of ventilation system and air source heat pumps.


6.    Approval of details of the surfacing of the car parking areas, their provision and retention.


7.    Details of hard landscaping materials and boundary treatments.


8.    Removal of permitted development rights for alterations, extensions, outbuildings, solar or photovoltaic panels, and boundary treatments.


9.    Restriction of occupation of the dwellings to persons solely or mainly employed on the site and their dependants.


Supporting documents: