Agenda item
Governance Reform Recommendations to DEFRA
The Chief Executive reported that following on from the last Authority Meeting, where this item was discussed by Members, the Chief Executive proposed that a letter be drafted to the Secretary of State and for Members to agree the wording and to clarify the points that would go into the letter, which would reflect the general discussion held by Members in January 2025.
TselGerel from DEFRA informed Members that the reform was to engage with the Authority by modernising governance to better meet the environmental challenges and ensuring that the landscapes reflected the diversity and values of the nation. Tsel reported that the Government were looking to develop new legislation, with the intent to strengthen the protected landscape’s mandate to recover for nature, and also revamp governance to provide the National Park Authority with a general power of competence. The programme of engagement would start in April.
Members welcomed the proposal, and agreed that the Authority needed to be part of the conversation and be pro-active to get the best outcome for the Authority, and to look at not just the constitutional way in which the Authority was set up, but how we work as a membership.
Members agreed that there was a lack of diversity in the current membership but it was important to maintain local representation, as they understand what was going on locally. There was some concern by some Members that if the number of Members was reduced, would there be enough to cover what they currently do? The Chair reported that the Authority would need to know what the outcome of the review was first, and that there was no guarantee that the current committee structure, shape and timings of our meetings would be as they are now.
Members asked whether it would be useful to have a skills audit on how Members are appointed, so it was transparent against a set of skills. The Chair reported that a number of Members had still to complete the recent skills audit, so a reminder with a link would be sent out to those Members that had yet to complete it.
The recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. That a representation is made to the Secretary of State setting out the points made in 3.4 of the report.
2. That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in agreement with the Chair and Deputy Chair, to fully draft and send the representation.
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