Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of a replacement building for uses ancillary to the Upper Hurst Farm camping and caravan site at Upper Hurst Caravan Site, Tinman Lane, Hulme End (NP/SM/1024/1046, SC)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


It was noted that the Applicant is Amy Dillon and not Mrs Sue Green as stated in the Officers report.


The Planning Officer presented  the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.


It was noted that this application was for a replacement building which had been destroyed in a fire and would provide additional facilities for the campsite.


Members wished the applicants well in re-establishing their business.


A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


1.    3-year statutory time limit.


2.    Submitted plans and details.


3.    Design and Materials.


4.    Use of building restricted to campsite activity centre only and for no other purpose and ancillary to the existing campsite.


5.    Details of climate change mitigation measures to be submitted, approved and implemented.













Supporting documents: