Agenda item

Agreeing the Draft Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (BJT)


The Planning Policy Manager, Brian Taylor,  introduced a report asking the Authority to approve the draft Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) as the second part of the Local Development Plan for the National Park. In introducing the report Brian clarified the methodology used to carry out the review of exiling policies and highlighted significant changes in the following areas:


·         Definitions of Heritage Assets

·         Farm Buildings

·         Affordable Housing

·         Sub-Division of Properties

·         Rural Business Expansion

·         Minerals Sites


As an update to the report Members were advised that the reference to “Bakewell: Land adjoining the Cintride Factory” was to be removed from policy DME3 but the site would remain within the development boundary for Bakewell. Recommendation 3 in the report was amended to add the words “including any minor changes to Policies” before “, appendices and policies map”


The Director of Planning, John Scott, assured Members that the officer delegation would be limited to minor changes so significant amendments would be brought back to Members for determination. During the discussion it was suggested that the Member Representative for Economy should be included in meetings of the Member working group.


A number of comments and suggestions for minor amendments were put forward by Members. The Director of Planning confirmed that all the suggested changes would be looked at following the meeting and where appropriate incorporated.


The amended officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.         To approve the draft Development Management Policies (DPD);


2.         To confirm that the document will form the basis of the formal Sustainability Appraisal and Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats regulations;


3.         To delegate authority to the Director of Planning, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee, to complete the editing process, including any minor changes to policies, appendices and policy maps;


4.         To confirm that these documents will form the basis of on-going consultation with communities and partners up to and including the statutory consultation and submission stages;


5.         To confirm that from this stage some limited weight may be attached to the emerging DPD as a material planning consideration as an agreed statement of the Authority’s intended position on development management policy;


6.         To appoint Cllr C Furness to the membership of the working group as Member Representative for Economy.


Cllr Mrs K Potter asked that her vote against the policies relating to minerals be recorded.


The meeting was adjourned from 12.10pm to 12.20pm following consideration of this item.

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