Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 7


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as a member of CPRE. 


Item 8


Mr R Helliwell declared a personal interest as his daughter worked for the Agent’s company.


Cllr A McCloy stated that he had received a representation from the applicant and the District Councillor but he had kept an open mind on the matter.


Item 9


Mr R Helliwell declared a personal interest as he knew the Applicant’s father.


Cllr C Carr, Cllr Mrs K Potter and Mr R Helliwell stated that they had received a telephone call from Jill Harrison, a neighbour of the site.


Item 10


Cllr Mrs J A Twigg declared a personal interest as she knew the speaker, who was a former employee of the Authority.


John Scott, Director of Planning, declared an interest in this item as he had dealt with a previous application on the site and would leave the room when the item was discussed despite not being involved in any way with the current application.


Item 11


Cllr Mrs J A Twigg declared a personal interest as she knew the speaker, Mr M Otter.


Mr P Ancell stated that he had received a representation from Litton Parish Council.


Item 13


Cllr Mrs J A Twigg declared a personal interest as she knew one of the speakers, Mr M Otter.


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as he was an acquaintance of Cllr J Chapman who was one of the public speakers.


Cllr C Carr stated that he had received an email.


Item 14


Cllr P Brady stated that he had received an email from a neighbour of the site.


Cllr Mrs N Hawkins, Cllr H Laws, Cllr C Carr, Mr R Helliwell and Ms S McGuire all stated that they had received an email with photos from Mrs C W Smith.


Item 15


Cllr Mrs J A Twigg declared a personal interest as she knew one of the speakers, Mrs B Chatfield.


John Scott, Director of Planning, declared an interest in this item as he knows the objector who was speaking very well.


Item 16


Mr R Helliwell declared an interest in the Hurdlow Grange enforcement action as he knew the site owner.