Agenda item

Full Application - Conversion of Barn to Local Needs Dwelling Adjacent to the B.5056, Winster


It was noted that some Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The following person spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Miss E Gould, Applicant.


The majority of Members were supportive of saving the barn by conversion and felt the impact on the landscape would not be significant.


A motion for approval subject to conditions concerning landscape and curtilage was moved and seconded.  The Director of Planning stated that if this was agreed then Standing Order 1.48 would apply and the application would be reported back to the next Planning Committee meeting so that officers could deal with any policy issues and provide Members with advice on detailed conditions.




That under the Authority’s Standing Order no. 1.48, a further report setting out

policy issues and conditions shall be brought to the next meeting of the Planning Committee for final determination with a recommendation for approval.


Supporting documents: