Agenda item

Full Application - Installation of a 20 Metre High Shared Telecommunications Base Station With 6 Antenna and Associated Ground-Based Cabinets at Cliffe House Farm, High Bradfield


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr M Waugh, ARQUIVA, Applicant.


A suggestion was made to defer the application to look for an alternative site in the area but the Applicant stated that if a decision was not made now the development would not go ahead as the Mobile Infrastructure Project required approvals to be in place by the end of October, for completion by March 2016.


Members were concerned that a mast was needed in the area but that this was not the right site.


The recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.  The proposed base station would be read as a tall, isolated structure within this protected landscape and would be very prominent from many viewpoints within the Loxley Valley. The proposed development would also be seen from and in the context of Castle Hill Scheduled Monument and from the Grade II listed cottage and barn at Fair Flatts Farm. The proposed development would have a significant harmful impact upon the scenic beauty of the landscape and upon the setting of Castle Hill and the cottage and barn at Fair Flatts Farm contrary to Core Strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, L1 and L3 and saved Local Plan policies LC4, LC6, LC15, LC16 and LU5.


2.  The proposed development would be very likely to result in significant economic and social benefits by facilitating the provision of mobile communications to the local community, however, in this case it is considered that the harm that has been identified would outweigh the public benefits of the development and that therefore the proposal does not represent sustainable development and that any approval would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework.


Cllr H Laws left the meeting during consideration of this matter.

Supporting documents: