Agenda item

2015/16 Quarter 2 Corporate Performance and Risk Management Report (A91941/WA)


An amended copy of Appendix 1.1 had been tabled as the colour of the original version had not printed correctly.


In considering Appendix 1.2 Members expressed concern that in Cornerstone C3, Focus C3a: Excellence in the way we deliver our Planning Service, the RAG status was green and felt that a better reflection of current progress against targets  would be amber.


In response to Member queries regarding Directional Shift S2 it was noted that officers were working closely with Natural England and farm and land managers regarding the Countryside Stewardship Scheme and that a report on the Corporate Strategy would be made to the December Authority meeting.


A query was raised on Appendix 2 regarding S1.9 and it was noted that a report on the Capital Strategy would also be made to the December Authority meeting which would be followed by further reports on specific areas.




1.    That the Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Return, given in Appendix 1 of the report, is reviewed and any remedial action agreed including changing the status of C3a from green to amber .

2.    That the Corporate Risk Register, summary given in Appendix 2 of the report be reviewed and status of risks accepted. 

3.    That the status of complaints and Freedom of Information Requests, given in Appendix 3 of the report, be noted.


Supporting documents: