Agenda item

Environmental Management Annual Performance Report 2015/16 (A595 / MF)


The Environmental Management Officer introduced the report which gave details of the environmental performance data for the 2015/16 financial year and progress against performance in previous and baseline years.  The data related to the environmental impacts arising from the Authority’s operations and reflected the scope and methodology of reporting as established in the Authority’s Carbon Management Plan (CMP).


The officer emphasised that this year (2016/17) was the final year of the CMP and that a total decrease in Carbon Emissions of 24.2% had been achieved to 2015/16 since the baseline year with approximately £125,000 financial savings to date.


It was noted that the key to figure 5 in the report was incomplete and from the bottom of the chart upwards showed air travel, grey fleet, pool car use, rail use, Field Services fleet and other use.


It was noted that some intended actions had not happened due to the Authority’s review of its property portfolio but that a new CMP 2 was being considered and this would include consideration of outstanding intentions alongside future proposals for assets.  The CMP 2 would also be considered with the new Corporate Indicator for environmental performance of assets.




That the environmental performance data detailed in Appendix 1 of the report be considered and adopted as the detail supporting the out turn position on the Authority’s operational environmental performance over the 2015/16 reporting period.



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