Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of Steel Fabrication Workshop on Previously Developed Land, Pittlemere Lane, Tideswell Moor, Tideswell


Cllr D Chapman declared a personal prejudicial interest in this application and left the room, as he was a close friend of the applicant.


John Scott, Director of Conservation and Planning declared a personal prejudicial interest in this application and left the room as he had previously worked for the applicant on this proposal.


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


It was noted that since the report had been written a further 7 letters of support had been received and the applicant’s agent had provided a list of the other premises which had been explored before progressing these proposals


A motion to approve the application subject to conditions was moved seconded and supported by Committee Members. As approval of the application would be a departure from policy and the Officer recommendation in accordance with Standing Order 1.48 final determination of the matter was deferred to the next meeting of the Committee. In supporting the proposals Members noted the socio-economic benefit in supporting a local business to return to the Tideswell area and suggested that the proposed development would represent enhancement of the site by bringing the site back into use and improving the visual appearance of the site which would have a positive impact on the landscape.




To DEFER consideration of the application in accordance with Standing Order 1.48 as the Committee were minded to approve the application contrary to Authority Policy and the Officer recommendation.


Supporting documents: