Agenda item
Moors for the Future (MFF) Operational Plan 2016-2017 (SLD/CD)
- Meeting of Audit Resources & Performance Committee, Friday 22nd January 2016 10.00 am (Item 3/16)
- View the background to item 3/16
Members viewed a short presentation given by the Programme Manager, who highlighted achievements in the year 2015/16. He reported on operational progression from the stabilisation of vulnerable moorland in the Dark Peak towards its restoration and management.
Members were informed that the “Look Back” section of the MFF Operational Plan would in future form part of a separate Annual Report.
Risk management included a contract to improve the existing broadband connection at The Moorland Centre, subject to the results of a site survey.
Members thanked the Programme Team, Management Team and other officers.
The recommendation was moved and seconded.
That the Audit Resources and Performance Committee supports this 2016-17 Operational Plan and recommends it to the Moors for the Future Partnership’s Strategic Management Group.
Supporting documents:
- Moors for the Future Operational Plan 2016 - 2017 (SLD/CD), item 3/16 PDF 197 KB
- Appendix 1, item 3/16 PDF 495 KB