Agenda item

Woodlands Disposal Project (SMcK)


Members received an update on the six freehold disposals completed so far, noting that six are due to be sold in phase 2. Approval was sought from Members for a further 28 freehold disposals totalling 40 woodlands covering 32 hectares, which equated to 50% of the Authority’s whole portfolio and 25% of the freehold woodlands area.


An additional recommendation at number 2 caused the original recommendations 2  and 3 to become 3 and 4. Recommendation 4 was amended by the deletion of the words “continue to”.


The additional and amended recommendations were moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.






To note the progress to date on woodland disposals.



Depending on the outcome ofthe further investigations explained in paragraph 9 of the report, Members approve the disposal of any or all of the 28 woodlands listed in the table also at paragraph 9.



To agree that the tolerance level on the final price for disposal is agreed by the Head of Finance and Director of Conservation and Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of this Committee.

4.            To delegate decisions on future disposals of woodlands with similar under values to the Head of Finance and Director of Conservation and Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of this committee.


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