Agenda item

2015/16 Quarter 3 Corporate Performance and Risk Management (A9194/WA)


The traffic light system of visually categorising levels of performance was considered and the individual status of some areas discussed. It was noted that an extended consultation process had slightly delayed the North Lees Management Plan Review, resulting in an amber status for the priority actions identified in C2a.


Members congratulated officers on the success of the Stanage Stickers scheme.


An update was given on the enforcement figures in C3 with 93 cases resolved year to date against a year end target of 120.


The Chair reported a successful Micro Scrutiny Panel Meeting on 8 January, the notes of which were to be circulated to all members.


The recommendations were moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.






That the Quarter 3 Corporate Performance Return, given in Appendix 1, is reviewed and any remedial action agreed.



That the Corporate Risk Register, summary given in Appendix 2 be reviewed and status of risks accepted.



That the status of complaints and Freedom of Information Requests, given in Appendix 3, be noted.



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