Agenda item
Growing and Developing the Visitor Economy Sector Within Derbyshire Grant Acceptance (RG/LT)
- Meeting of Audit Resources & Performance Committee, Friday 22nd January 2016 10.00 am (Item 5/16)
- View the background to item 5/16
This report sought Members’ approval to accept the sum of £225K from the European Regional Development Fund to enable delivery of the Pedal Peak District Initiative, potentially beginning in February 2016.
Members acknowledged the complexity of working with many partners including the other UK National Parks and commended officers for securing funding to realise the wider vision for cycling.
A second recommendation was moved and seconded, to acknowledge the significant benefits to the health and economy of the wider Peak District.
The recommendations were moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.
1. To approve receipt of £225K grant from ERDF funding via Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce for the ‘Growing and Developing the Visitor Economy Sector within Derbyshire’ programme to enable the Authority to deliver the Pedal Peak District Initiative’ strand, and to approve spending this funding as outlined in paragraph 4.2.
2. In approving Recommendation 1, Members acknowledged the work done in the wider Peak District that had resulted in significant benefits both to health and the economy.
Supporting documents: