Agenda item
Giving Strategy (MB)
- Meeting of Audit Resources & Performance Committee, Friday 22nd January 2016 10.00 am (Item 7/16)
- View the background to item 7/16
The Assistant Director reported receipt of a further £1,500 since the publication of her report and stated that the Giving Strategy would be regularly reviewed with a first report back to Members in March 2017. Members noted that the new Director of Commercial Development and Outreach would have a central role in driving the Strategy forward, to include liaison at a national level with key partners.
The CEO confirmed that the three-year (2016-2019) Giving Strategy was about giving and donations, not sponsorship, and added that the Authority would have four years in which to develop it, focusing upon its unique assets.
The recommendations of the report were moved but not seconded, therefore the motion fell. A new motion to refer the report to a full Authority Meeting whilst expressing support for it in principle was moved and debated. Members wished to give the new commercial director the opportunity to get the measure of the task but time constraints were acknowledged, as he would not be in post until 22 February and the earliest meeting of the Authority after that was 18 March. Delaying a decision beyond that would result in a delay of several weeks running into the summer season.
The new motion was seconded, voted upon and carried. Cllr C Furness voted against the motion.
1. To support in principle the report and the direction of the proposed Giving Strategy but REFER the Strategy to a meeting of the full Authority for consideration on a date to be agreed by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority.
2. That a provision of an additional amount of £58k to be made in the February budget report making it clear it is subject to a further report on the Giving Strategy to the Authority meeting
Supporting documents:
- Final Giving Strategy ARP Jan 2016 MB(sf amends), item 7/16 PDF 291 KB
- Appendix 1, item 7/16 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 2, item 7/16 PDF 21 KB
- Appendix 3, item 7/16 PDF 166 KB
- Appendix 4, item 7/16 PDF 129 KB
- Appendix 5, item 7/16 PDF 19 KB
- Appendix 6, item 7/16 PDF 288 KB