Agenda item
Members Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.
Item 6
Cllr D Chapman declared a prejudicial interest as the applicant was a friend and he would leave the room during consideration of the item.
John Scott, Director of Conservation and Planning, declared a prejudicial interest as he had previously worked for the applicant in previous, private employment and he would leave the room during consideration of the item.
Item 7
It was noted that Members had received correspondence from Sir Hugh Sykes.
Mr R Helliwell declared a personal interest as he knew Andy Tickle, one of the public speakers.
Ms S McGuire declared a personal interest as she had previously met the applicant due to his involvement in Stanage/North Lees issues but she had not discussed this application with him.
Item 13
Cllr D Chapman declared a personal interest as Chair of the Moors for the Future Partnership.
Item 14
Ms S McGuire declared a personal interest due to her close involvement in the issue of the Stanage Pole history and plans for its replacement as a member of the Stanage Forum Steering Group. She stated that she would not take part in any discussion or voting on the item.
Item 20
Mr R Helliwell declared a personal interest as the applicant was known to him.
Item 23
Ms S McGuire declared a personal interest as co-author of the 2007 Stanton Moor Conservation Plan.