Agenda item
Members Declarations of Interest
Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.
Item 6 & 7
Ms S McGuire declared a personal interest as she was in contact with the applicant approximately 10 years ago when researching a stone circle on their land
Mr R Helliwell declared a prejudicial interest as the applicant was known to him and he would leave the room during this item.
Item 8
Cllr C Furness, member of the Authority is speaking as a member of the public and is known to all members of the committee.
Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest and has exchanged some correspondence with L Grainger regarding the application and also with Mr J Keeley, Planning Officer.
Item 9
Cllr Mrs K Potter – declared a prejudicial interest as the applicant gave Rowsley Parish Council gravel for a community garden but Cllr Potter was not directly involved with negotiations, Cllr Potter stated she would leave the room during consideration of this item.