Agenda item
Listed Building Consent - Conversion of Barn to Residential Dwelling at Highlow Farm House, Highlow, Hathersage
Members had visited the site in January 2016
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
· Mr Craig Barks, Agent.
The planning officer highlighted the harm to features under the current plan and that there was not enough public benefit to allow the current proposal to proceed. Planning consent had already been given for the conversion of the first floor to holiday accommodation and the use of the ground floor would require protection of the stable end of the building and particularly the beams which were of significant interest.
Clarification was sought on the comments of Historic England as they were not clear. They had stated they would be happy to leave the decision to the Authority’s Archaeology and Conservation officers who support the refusal.
Officers are continuing to work with the applicant to find a solution. Officers advised that the permission granted in 2008 for a holiday let could now be accepted in principle as an open market dwelling due to the changes in Core Strategy policy in 2011.
The recommendation for refusal was moved and seconded. The motion was then voted on and carried.
That the application be REFUSED for the following reason.
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The proposed works would harm the significance of the grade II listed barn contrary to Core Strategy Policy L3 and Local Plan Policy LC6. In the absence of any overriding public benefits it is considered that any approval would also be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework.
Cllrs D Chapman and G Weatherall joined the meeting during the consideration of this item and did not take part in the voting.
Supporting documents:
- (NP/DDD/1015/0969, P.6190, 421958 / 380117, 26/02/2016/AM), item 44/16 PDF 271 KB
- Site Plan, item 44/16 PDF 1 MB