Agenda item
Commercial Development - Giving (SM)
- Meeting of National Park Authority, Friday 18th March 2016 10.00 am (Item 14/16)
- View the background to item 14/16
The Director of Commercial Development and Outreach, Simon Malcom, introduced a report setting out proposals to adopt a Giving Strategy to grow and maximise the Authority’s supporters and giving opportunities.
The report had been considered at a meeting of the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee held on 22 January 2016 where, after some discussion, it was agreed that the report should be brought to a meeting of the full Authority for a decision. The Committee also agreed that deferring a decision would allow the recently appointed Director of Commercial Development and Outreach to consider the proposals.
Simon Malcolm highlighted the commercial development and outreach objectives of the Authority and described how the Strategy would allow the Authority to develop the competences needed to deliver them. He therefore recommended that the Authority should adopt the strategy and note the intention to develop a strategic commercial development plan within which the Strategy would be developed and managed.
In response to concerns from some Members, the Director confirmed that implementation would be measured and during the next phase further work would be undertaken to finesse the strategy by identifying and testing opportunities and revisiting some of the assumptions.
The following spoke on this item under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Dr Peter Owens
· Mr A Tickle, Friends of the Peak District
1. To adopt the Giving Strategy Programme for years 1, 2 and 3 (2016-2019).
2. To confirm the allocation of an additional £58k in 2016/17 to support the strategy - making a total of £100k in the baseline and to note that further costs would be considered alongside other investment needs and a review of the current three year financial plan during March- June.
3. To agree that the focus for the first major campaign should be the Trails, with smaller campaigns based around the Authority’s other properties and corporate plan.
4. To confirm that the Giving Strategy progress would be monitored and reviewed by the Enterprise+ Programme Board and, on a quarterly basis, by the Authority’s performance and financial monitoring meetings.
5. To request that a report on progress with the Strategy be brought back to the Audit Resources and Performance committee in Spring 2017 to review Year 1 and to report on how Years 2 and 3 should be taken forward.
Supporting documents:
- Commercial Development - Giving (SM), item 14/16 PDF 146 KB
- Appendix A, item 14/16 PDF 247 KB
- Appendix 1, item 14/16 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 2, item 14/16 PDF 21 KB
- Appendix 3, item 14/16 PDF 166 KB
- Appendix 4, item 14/16 PDF 129 KB
- Appendix 5, item 14/16 PDF 19 KB
- Appendix 6, item 14/16 PDF 288 KB