Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of New Stock & Fodder Storage Buildings at Pictor Farm, Wardlow


The application was deferred by the Planning Committee in April for further discussion about alternative siting/layout with the applicant.


Following discussions with the applicant no changes had been made to the application which had been presented to the April Committee at the applicant’s request.


A motion to refuse the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reason:



The siting of the proposed building, with particular reference to its orientation, would result in a prominent structure that would project beyond the existing building line into the Open Countryside.  It would thereby have a detrimental effect on the valued rural characteristics and visual appearance of the surrounding area, particularly as this is a gateway Conservation Area site into the village of Wardlow.  The proposed building would therefore be contrary to policies L1 and L3 of the Core Strategy, policies LC4, LC5 and LC13 of the Local Plan, as well as the SPG: ‘Agricultural Developments in the Peak District National Park’.


Supporting documents: