Agenda item

Full Application - Retrospective Application for Retention of Facilities Block - Losehill Hall, How Lane, Castleton


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


Mr Robert Helliwell, Ms Stella McGuire and Cllr David Chapman all declared that they knew one of the speakers Mrs Priestley.  Cllr Chapman also declared that he knew Ms Serby who was also speaking. 


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:

·         Ms Maeve Serby, Objector

·         Mrs Janet Priestley, Objector

·         Ms Sheila Bailey, Objector


Two further letters of representation had been received objecting to the application.


Members discussed concerns over the use of the site for camping and lack of restrictions other than 60 days a year limit.  The YHA have a Camping Exemption Certificate issued by Natural England which is due to expire in 2017 and Members requested that the Authority request consultation with Natural England before the certificate is renewed. 


Concerns regarding design, material and location of facilities which were not in keeping with landscape were also raised.


The motion for refusal contrary to officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be REFUSED  on the grounds that the development has an adverse impact on the site and its setting by virtue of its location, design and use of materials.


Supporting documents: