Agenda item

Performance and Business Plan 2016/17 (A197/RMM)


Emily Fox, the new Head of Strategy and Performance and Sarah Newton, Performance Officer joined the meeting for this item.


The Director of Corporate Strategy and Development  thanked Sarah Newton for her support during the absence of another member of staff. She also thanked the Leadership Team and all staff for their work in preparation of the draft Performance and Business Plan.


The Director drew attention to the table at paragraph 9 which set out the “Look Back/ Look Forward” elements of the 2016-17 Plan and reported feedback from the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee of 20 May re appendices 3, 5 and 6, noting that 6 annexes will be added to the Plan by the end of June 2016.


The Chair of the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee thanked officers for preparing the draft Plan in limited time and moved the recommendations.


Officers noted Members’ detailed comments which would be discussed by the Leadership Team. Members welcomed the addition of text into the RAG (Red/Amber/Green) status column.


The motion to approve the recommendations was seconded, voted upon and carried.




1.    That the priority focus for the 2016-17 Performance and Business Plan as reflected in the proposed Priority Actions in Appendix 4 be approved.


2.    That the overall structure and content of the 2016-17 Performance and Business Plan as described in the table at paragraph 9 and accompanying Appendices be approved.


3.    That completion of details be delegated to the Chief Executive, to allow publication by the statutory deadline of 30 June 2016.


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