Agenda item

Proposals for Investing in Delivery of the Authority's Corporate Strategy 2016/19 (SF)


The Chief Executive introduced the report, noting that in line with advice from the Chief Finance Officer the Authority would continue to operate in a “prudent” manner to ensure maintenance of a balanced budget to 2019-20.


Members were asked to support the investment proposals, leaving the detail of allocations to the Leadership Team and Chief Finance Officer. Members would be fully updated on this work in the Autumn 2016 Strategic Finance Workshops. The Chair of Audit, Resource and Performance (ARP) Committee assured Members of ongoing scrutiny of the proposals by ARP and the Budget Monitoring Group.


Members wanted communities outside the National Park to be included in the programme for change on improving how the Authority works with and enables communities to support the special qualities.






1.    Members endorse the approach taken to identify opportunities for investment to support delivery of the Corporate Strategy 2016-19.


2.    Members support the investment proposal framework outlined in tables 3, 4 and 5 and delegate the detail of the allocation and phasing of this into budgets to the Leadership Team, working with the Chief Finance Officer, for 2016/17 and note that the investment from 2017/18 onwards will be incorporated in the annual budget reporting round.


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