Agenda item
Monitoring and Enforcement Quarterly Review - July 2016
Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as she had received a letter from the Chair of Curbar Parish Council.
The Monitoring and Enforcement Team Manager reported that the Monitoring and Enforcement Team was on target to meet the annual figure of 120 cases closed. It was noted that considerable effort and resources were needed to achieve this.
With regard to listed building breaches, which are classed as criminal offences, it was noted that these breaches often occur through ignorance. In response to Members’ questions the officer confirmed that there was no immunity period for listed building breaches. Members asked officers to check on how often owners of listed buildings are reminded of their responsibilities and it was suggested that more frequent reminders could reduce the number of listed building breaches occurring.
Members asked that information about the resolution of long standing cases also be included in the quarterly report.
The officer gave an update on Leanlow Farm, Hartington. He referred to photographs which showed that significant progress had been made in clearing up the site and informed Members that officers were actively considering enforcement action in relation to three steel containers which remained on site in breach of a condition.
The Monitoring & Enforcement Manager also showed some ‘before and after’ photographs of resolved cases and presented some feedback on two parish council training seminars that had been held on 25 May and 15 June.
The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.
That the report is noted.
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