Agenda item

Full Application - Change of use of former portal framed building to a building used for community events, weddings and other celebrations and events (Use class D2 assembly and leisure) (retrospective), external alterations and extension to existing building to form amenities block and associated car parking provision at Lower Damgate Farm, Ilam Moor Lane, Ilam


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


Cllr J A Twigg and Cllr A Hart both declared personal interests as they knew

Cllr Wain, one of the speakers.


It was noted that Mr Izzard, who had given notice to speak, was unable to attend the meeting.  The following spoke under the Public Participation Scheme:


·         Marion Beloe, Supporter

·         Luke Hatton, Supporter

·         CaisinePrutton, Supporter

·         Keith Warrington, Supporter

·         Cameron Jack, Supporter

·         Mrs Dawn-Elizabeth Rudd, Supporter

·         Cllr E Wain, Ward Councilor in support

·         Sue Prince, Objector

·         Mr Joe Oldfield on behalf of neighbour and objector Mr J Clarke

·         Ken Wainman, Agent


Director of Conservation and Planning, John Scott, declared an interest as he had worked for Sue Prince in his previous job and he took no part in the discussion. 


Members expressed concerns regarding the neighbourliness of the proposal and the ability to enforce all of the conditions.  Members preferred the number of events to be reduced and the applicant has expressed a willingness to do this. 


Members requested that the item be deferred to the next committee to allow consideration of conditions that may make the proposed development acceptable.   Possible additional conditions are:

·         Permitted development in field withdrawn

·         Events to be restricted to using inside of buildings only

·         Noise controlled

·         Reduction in number of events


A motion to defer the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be DEFERRED to the next committee for  consideration of conditions that may be imposed and allow further consideration of the planning merits of the proposals. .