Agenda item

Performance and Business Plan 2017/18 (A197/HW)


Members considered a report seeking approval of the overall structure, content and focus of the 2017/18 Performance and Business Plan, prior to bringing together all sections of the Plan for publication by the statutory deadline of 30 June 2017.


The 2017/18 Performance and Business Plan provided a report on the Authority’s performance over the past 12 months against the 2016/17 transition year plan and success measures. The report also set out the priority focus for the second year of the 2016-2019 Corporate Strategy and how performance would be monitored and measured.


The Officer Recommendation was moved and seconded, subject to an amendment to priority action 13 under Directional Shift 4 in Appendix4 so it would read “We will have consulted local people and approved short and long term plans for Millers Dale.” Following assurances from Officers that consultation with residents would take place the mover and seconder withdrew their motion.


The original officer recommendation was moved and seconded, put to the vote, and carried.




1.         To approve the priority focus for the 2017/18 Performance and Business Plan as reflected in the proposed Priority Actions in Appendix 4.


2.         To approve the overall structure and content of the 2017/18 Performance and Business Plan as described in the table at paragraph 9 and accompanying Appendices.


3.         To delegate completion of details to the Chief Executive, to allow publication by the statutory deadline of 30 June.



Supporting documents: