Agenda item

Full Application – Demolition of Water Works Building And Change of Use For The Stationing of Caravans For Occupation by Gypsy-Traveller Site, With Associated Development Including Hard Standing, Utility Building And External Lighting (NP/HPK/0514/0493, P.8289, 405242 / 393895, 24/6/2014/AM)


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest in this item as he knew two of the public speakers.


It was noted that Members has visited the site on the previous day.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme.


·         Sir John Oldham, local resident and objector

·         Cllr George Wharmby, High Peak Borough Council, representing residents of St John’s ward, in objection.


The Director of Planning provided an update on the application and representations received. It was noted that the following additional representations had been received:


·         Letter dated 8 July from County Councillors E Wilcox and D Greenhalgh


·         A response from Environmental Heath expressing concern about contamination due to the former use of the site. It was noted that although this concern was not a reason for refusal it would be addressed through conditions if the application was approved.


·         Further representations from Charlesworth Parish Council objecting to the application because of landscape impact, poor design, site contamination and a failure to demonstrate a local need.


·         Natural England had also responded.


The recommendation to refuse the application, subject to an additional condition, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:


1.         The proposed change of use for the stationing of six caravans for permanent occupation by members of the gypsy and traveller community is contrary to CS policy HC3. The submitted application does not demonstrate any exceptional circumstances which would override national and local policy which seek to strictly limit new traveller site development in open countryside and outside areas allocated within the Development Plan. Therefore approval of the proposed development would also be contrary to National planning policy for traveller sites.


2.         The provision of external lighting and light poles would be likely to generate light pollution which would harm the landscape character of an area which is characterised by profound night darkness and which forms an important buffer between Glossop and the surrounding open moorland contrary to CS policy L1.


3.         The proposed built development, caravans and vehicles occupying the site would represent an intensive use which would give rise to a harmful visual change in the context of this site and its surroundings.


4.         Noise, disturbance and light from generated from the proposed development would be likely to harm the residential amenity and privacy of the occupants of 1 Reservoir House, contrary to CS policy GSP3 and saved LP policy LC4.


5.         The existing building on the application site has the potential to provide habitat for local bats. Insufficient evidence has been provided to enable the Authority to conclude that the demolition of the existing building would not harm local bat populations contrary to CS policy L2 and saved LP policy LC17.


6.         The proposed site location and layout is unsatisfactory and would not meet the needs opf potential users without further extensions to the site which would have an adverse impact on the landscape.


Supporting documents: