Agenda item

Trans-Pennine Upgrade Programme Non Statutory Public Consultation - Peak District National Park Authority Response (TN/BJT)


As Highways England were holding a non-statutory public consultation on the Trans-Pennine Upgrade Programme due to end on 10 April 2017 Members considered and approved a response from the Authority.


The consultation related to a series of measures included within the Roads Investment Strategy 1 (RIS1),focusing on the Southern Trans-Pennine road link between the M1 and the M67, and including the A628 Trunk Road across the National Park.


There were a number of elements to the package of proposals which included the following: -


i.          Mottram Moor Link Road and the A57(T) to A57 Link Road (2 options)

ii.          A61 Dualling (2 options)

iii.         A628 Climbing Lanes (2 locations)

iv.        Safety improvements

v.         Technology improvements


Although the proposals were still to be finalised, and therefore did not carry the level of detail that would be forthcoming at the later design stages, it was clear that all of the proposals were likely to result in either direct or indirect impacts on the National Park, and therefore the proposed response covered all these elements.


The consultation was based upon an eight page questionnaire but, in order to ensure that the Authority was able to provide a detailed and holistic response to the proposals, it was proposed that the Authority response would be set out in a letter. A draft letter was appended to the report for discussion.


The Head of Policy and Communities introduced the report and identified the following minor amendments:


·         On page 6 of the document pack the paragraph in section iv) on Safety Improvements should describe the route from the M67 to the M1 not the A1.


·         On page 7 of the document pack under the heading History the fourth paragraph should refer to Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council not Counsel.


The following persons spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Dr Peter Owens

·         Anne Robinson, Friends of the Peak District, Supporting the Officer recommendation.


In introducing the report the Head of Policy and Communities identified the proposed climbing lanes as having the most significant impact on the National Park. He also confirmed that there was no link between these proposals and the longer term discussions on aspirations to construct a road tunnel. It was also noted that a special meeting of the Authority had been called due to the short four week consultation period,


During discussions on the draft response Members suggested the following amendments:


·         Identify the need for a comprehensive look at traffic in the area and across the National Park not just a piecemeal approach

·         High quality landscaping design should be integral to any proposals within or visible from the National Park.

·         In light of a previous Authority decision to be supportive on proposals, the response needed to be constructive about possible solutions to address concerns identified.

·         Include references to air pollution and the need to carry out air pollution modelling to make sure the proposals did not have a detrimental impact on the recently restored moorland along the route.

·         Note that the consultation proposals did not include highway safety improvements at the junction of the road to Holmfirth over Holme Moss.

·         Draw attention to the absence of references to the National Park and protected landscapes/habitats such as SSSI sites in the consultation document.


During the discussion it was suggested that the forthcoming Member tour in June should include a visit to some of the sites referred to in the consultation document.


Members were encouraged to submit their own individual response if they wished to do so.


Following discussion a motion to approve the officer recommendation, subject to amendments to incorporate issues raised by Members, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.         To approve the proposed response to the Trans-Pennine Upgrade Programme Non Statutory Public Consultation set out in Appendix 1 of the report, subject to the Director of Conservation and Planning being authorised, in consultation with the Chair of the Authority, to make amendments to incorporate the issues identified by Members during the discussion.


2.         To note the timescales identified in the report for the Trans-Pennine Upgrade proposals moving forward.

Supporting documents: